- showering.....occasionally
- doing your laundry..... every couple of weeks...
- using fabric softener so the entire suite smells like fabric softener... the fancy kind.
- being a princess.... and for loving all the other princesses too
- marrying Justin Bieber.
- always waking up super quietly and letting me sleep since I dropped my morning class.
- loving snacks.... so there's always snacks in our room.
- going all the way to the dining hall with me at 11 pm so I can get food, with no other motivation than just being a great roommate! (i know you get a chocolate milkshake while we're there.... but i know you totally just go because of me....)
- never leaving puddles of water on the bathroom floor after showering.
- having lots of headbands..... and I get to wear them.
- that funny face that you puts on after you messes up your nails AGAIN (that I've just worked so hard at painting)
- saving me from unhappy dinners....
- ALWAYS just wanting pasta at MJ. (sometimes chicken fingers, but whatever)
- for letting me borrow your clog-shoe-things because you know I don't have any slip-on pairs of shoes.
- knowing that I wouldn't mind you using my makeup.....so you do so
- ^laughing and giving me that look after I told you"you know you can use my makeup any time you want"and then saying "oh.... well i did :)"
- your killer fashion sense....when she's NOT wearing sweatpants or coming back from the barn
- never telling me the ending of Bones or Law & Order SVU, even though I know you've watched every single episode.
- yelling at me when I'm not doing my homework
- watching the lion king 8 times that one weekend (it might have been more though) and tolerating me singing "nnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsinfenyaaaaaaaaaaaaahabaviiiiichibavaaaaaaaaa" and all the other songs..
- getting scared very easily (it's SO fun chels!!)
- being SUPER ticklish
- preferring a 2:1 peanut butter to jelly ratio on her pbj sandwich
- having 11 blankets on her bed. and letting me re-make your bed when it just looks awful
- letting me wear her sweaters when I get bored of my clothes
- promoting comfy clothes.
- NOT promoting me not showering for 3 days... sorry chels.
- cheering for me when i DO shower, laughing at me when I forget deodorant, and telling me I smell delicious on those days when I just got it all together.
- feeding our fish every night
- having a great mom who bakes us awesome cookies sometimes.
- being super nice, and smart, and having a great work ethic..... I cannot begin to count the amount of time I've spent on hulu or skype while you're out on the futon busting your butt, and learning lots of new stuff.
Chels, you're pretty cool, and I'm surprised I haven't gotten sick of you yet!!!!! [heh] You're the best roommate ever, and I'm glad we ended up together this semester.
Sorry the lights fall down occasionally.
Sorry my Christmas decorations are a lil ghetto..... with the duct tape and all.
Sorry I never do any work and thus ruin your work ethic.
Sorry I sing really loudly
Sorry I walk weirdly sometimes when I'm in a funky mood
Sorry I get the lyrics wrong to songs sometimes... I'm learning
Sorry I said that "to infinity and beyond" was from Star Wars today.... forgive me?